To Kill A Mockingbird

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tom Robinson and His Wife's Death

Today I found out that Tom Robinson an innocent black man is dead. My father said that Tom was tired of taking white man’s chances and preferred to take his own. It really is an awful way to die. He was trying to escape prison by climbing over the fence. The guards told him to stop, but when he didn’t they were forced to shoot him. Atticus even said Tom had a good chance of going free with the new evidence that Atticus had found. Even Aunt Alexandra was sad that Tom died. Calpurnia and Atticus had to go tell Tom’s family. Later in the day both of them headed off to the Robinson’s to tell them that Tom was killed. Jem told me what happened, because he went with them. They pulled up to the Robinson house, and a lot of little kids were in the front yard playing games. Sam, Tom’s son, got up and went to get his mother. A little baby girl came outside, and Atticus helped her down the steps and gave her Calpurnia. Mrs. Robinson came outside. Then she asked if Atticus would like to take a seat. All of the sudden out of nowhere Mrs. Robinson fell down in the dirt. It was like she was squashed like a bug, and she was dead. I think it might have been fate… I don’t exactly know what that is, but I think it happened for a reason.

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