To Kill A Mockingbird

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bob Ewell Trying To Get Even

It was pitch black so we felt our way across the school yard. Jem kept hearing someone walking behind us. I didn’t hear it at first, but then I heard footsteps stop and start when we did. Jen and me picked up the pace. He even helped me with my costume to hurry along then we stopped and I heard the swish of the trees and realized it was the swish of cotton pants. Both of us kids stopped once more just to make sure someone was following us. This time the footsteps didn’t stop when we did. Someone was really following us!! Jem told me to run. I did, but then I fell and couldn’t move because of my costume. All of the sudden my costume was crushed against me! All of the sudden I heard metal ripping on metal. I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, but still couldn’t get out of my stupid costume. Jem and I were almost to the road. Then Jem was pulled to the ground. I heard a crunching noise, and Jem screamed! I ran towards the scream, but ran into Bob Ewell and he squeezed the breath out of me.  Then someone jerked the man holding me to the ground. I slowly gained my senses and saw a man carrying Jem to my house and followed in my very squashed costume. This is a video of what happened.

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