To Kill A Mockingbird

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Getting To Know Boo Radley

I walked in the door and everyone was glad I was okay. Aunt Alexandria helped me out of my costume, and she accidentally gave me my overalls and a t-shirt. Those are the clothes of mine that she despises! I went into the family room and Dr. Reynolds came out of Jem’s room to see me. I asked him if Jem was dead, but he said Jem was far from dead. I wasn’t convinced I was sure Bob Ewell killed him. Then Mr. Reynolds checked me out and he said I was okay and nothing was broken. He let me go see Jem. Jem had his arm in a tent to protect it, because Mr. Ewell broke his elbow when he was trying to kill Jem. Jem was asleep, because he was given a sedative or something. A man who was very very pale was standing in the corner of the room. Atticus called the sheriff, Mr. Heck Tate. The sheriff had me tell him my side of the story. I realized the person in the corner of the room was Boo Radley and he had pulled Bob Ewell off of me and not Jem. We also looked at my costume and found a slice from a knife, but my costume had saved me. Mr. Tate told us he found Bob Ewell dead with a knife stabbed into him under the tree. Atticus insisted it was Jem who stabbed Bob, but I think it was Boo. I think he did it to save us. Heck said he was going to say it was Bob Ewell who fell on his knife and stabbed himself. I know that Heck just wants to save Boo from taking the blame. Atticus and Heck fought about if Jem killed Bob, but Heck won. I walked Boo in to see Jem. Then I brought him home like a lady. He doesn’t talk out loud, just with body language. I understand him better now. I believe he is a great person even if he is different. I came back home and Atticus read a story to me and then tucked me into my bed. I realized what he meant when he said that when you finally walk around in someone else’s shoes you understand them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job of explaining the overall theme of the story!
